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From Insights to Action June 2022

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TFT's latest learning series puts the focus on the changing outlook for sustainable, flexible and healthy buildings.

Shifting economics, regulation and market expectations present new opportunities and risks for building occupiers, owners and developers. In September our team explored our Redefining Building Performance findings, highlighting gaps between market expectations for health and wellbeing, sustainability and flexibility. Using our research data as a starting point, we presented multiple solutions for closing gaps between ambition and reality.

Those included: mitigating supply chain risks, gathering better usage data and incorporating sustainable best practice with Green Dilapidations and Sustainable Due Diligence. This month, we pick up where those sessions left off.

Our latest 'From insights to action' series explores additional impacts and new drivers for change. We look across the property lifecycle to provide advice and examples of best practice to implement.

Are you interested in joining one these sessions? Contact our team with details of the events you’d like to attend, here:

Spotlight on net-zero refurbishment
June 21, 09:30 - 10:30am

Continually fitting-out spaces with brand new materials generates massive waste and carbon
emissions, which can be cut down with new ways of designing and constructing interiors.
In this session, our experts provide case studies and innovative solutions to realise the
sustainable potential of your refurbishment projects.

Decarbonisation: all in
June 21, 12:00 - 1:00pm

Decarbonisation is a commercial threat with multidisciplinary solutions. In this session, we
explain how decarbonisation became integral to TFT’s work, and examples of effective
interventions resulting from a collaborative approach to one of our industry’s greatest

Scotland dilapidations: our green, lean, fighting machine! June 23, 09:00 - 11:00am

The current property leasing cycle generates excess waste, cost and carbon. In this session
we focus on a more sustainable model for landlords and tenants, we explore why we need
to negotiate dilapidations settlements, and discuss the reasonableness of dilapidations in its
weird and wonderful forms.

Data, digitising, and de-risking projects
June 24, 09:30 - 10:30am

Realising commercial building opportunities is increasingly a data challenge. This session
demonstrates the advancements of technology, from virtual visualisations, 3D modelling
and BIM models. Beyond the tech, we will show how to best gather, share and use the data
it creates for better buildings.

Neighbourly matters: protecting assets and developing
June 28, 09:30 - 10:30am

Opportunities are often missed by surveyors only considering the immediate benefits of
neighbourly matters agreements, in this session our experts discuss how neighbouring
development can be used as a positive opportunity to add value to future development of
existing built assets and land.

Building safety at scale: untangling the rules and managing
June 28, 12:00 - 1:00pm

Building safety is always progressing, so what does the current regulation mean for you? We will cover off the latest changes on Building Safety Bill, Building Safety Fund and EWS1 forms, with case studies on managing improvements at scale across major commercial portfolios.

We hope to see you soon!

Are you interested in joining one these sessions? Let us know which events you’d like to attend and we'll do the rest!

Want to know more?

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