
Co-creating net zero carbon building guidance

Project leads


Neil Granger

Neil is Head of Sustainability, based in TFT's Edinburgh office. He has over 25 years of experience in building services, sustainable design and technical management for domestic and international projects across a number of sectors.

Neil has undertaken several framework lead roles for building services engineering services, with experience in both public and private sectors. He has also led individual projects out of these frameworks, both as a design manager and technical lead, including new academies for Aberdeenshire Council and global manufacturing facilities for General Electric.

The need for net zero carbon buildings is widely accepted, but what does a ‘net zero building’ look like, and how do you create one?

As our industry’s understanding grows and new benchmarks are defined, the way we deliver net zero carbon is changing. Most significantly, the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard provides a set of criteria and performance requirements for a net zero building, also supported by TFT.

With a new standard in the market, it’s time to update industry guidance to make sure we are working in a coordinated way towards higher quality buildings.

The UKGBC’s Advancing Net Zero programme released its first Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition report in 2019. This defined a process for delivering net zero buildings in the UK market through consensus, involving contributions from around 70 experts from 50 organisations.

In the 5 years since its launch, the Framework Definition has helped stakeholders specify and realise net zero carbon on their construction projects. 

Now, UKGBC is evolving the Framework Definition with valuable guidance to those in industry seeking to design, deliver, or operate a net zero carbon building in the UK.

TFT is working with the UKGBC, BNP Paribas Real Estate and Winvic, as project partners supporting the execution and delivery of this workstream.

We’ll be working as part of a task group of Advancing Net Zero experts, project partners and wider UKGBC membership, to undertake research and publish the findings over the next year.

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