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Restorative spaces: Bristol

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In the third of this series, we look at the English city of contemporary art and great engineering feats: Bristol. Bristol may be known as a pioneer of many green initiatives, but how do they help improve the lives of the people in the city?  The answer is in its use of infrastructure and natural features. 

In 2008, the citypioneered a new Government scheme aiming to double the numbers of cyclists onthe streets in the UK within three years[1]. Today,the South West capital boasts a network of cycle routes that connect the citycentre to suburban areas, encouraging active Bristolian commuters and givingBristol the title of England’s first ‘cycling city’.

The impact of the city’s investment is evident in TFT’s Bristoloffice where more than 50% of our Bristol team cycling or walking to work. Thisis one of the greatest ways to lower levels of sedentary behaviour, which islinked with physical and mental wellbeing, in particular lower cardiovasculardisease incidence and mortality, cancer incidence and all-cause mortality[2].

But what about during the workingday?

Being close to restorative space can make all the difference to your wellbeing and productivity at work, and Bristol has good access to many of these. Our office is located on the alluring Queen Square near to the canals and the river Avon, which is not only a green space but a social space too, as the surrounding office workers and residents can enjoy activities from reading in the park to playing volleyball, or exploring the many festivals and events set up on the square – like Harbour Fest, boules tournaments, Bristol Comedy Garden and many more.

Just around the corner from theSquare is the vibrant harbourside, with cafes, bars, restaurants and waterfrontviews. Throughout the summer locals and tourists will dangle their legs overthe harbourside walkways and enjoy the views of Bristol’s characteristic rainbowhouses and ship masts.  

While green spaces offer venues foractivity and relaxation, blue spaces – rivers, lakes, water features – havehuge benefits for relieving stress and helping us focus too. It’s a greatreason for businesses to consider making their home nearby waterways and allowingaccess for their occupants to get the most benefit from them.

With the city’s expected growth inpopulation over the next 10 to 15 years, it is paramount that the private andpublic sector work together to focus even more on designing spaces forwellbeing. A great example is Finzels Reach, a developing area of Bristol’s CBDwhich saw last year the introduction of a hive of honeybees, supported by developer Cubex who are creating vibrant publicspaces to live and work. They also built a Castle Bridge to connect Castle Parkto Finzels Reach, allowing and encouraging access to the nearby park.

Bristol has demonstrated thatambitious initiatives can be well-embedded in the city’s structure and thatpeople are healthier and happier when the environment around them is taken careof. Maybe that is why it is the happiest city in the UK![3]

[1] DfTpress notice. Bristol appointed UK's first cycling city £100m package forcycling in 12 towns and cities. 2008.

[2] Celis-Morales CA, Lyall DM, Welsh P, et al.Association between active commuting and incident cardiovascular disease,cancer, and mortality: prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2017;357:j1456.doi:10.1136/BMJ.J1456.

[3]Baker, H. Bristol named the happiest city in Britain. Bristol Live. 2019.

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