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TFT joins call for UK's sustainable economic recovery

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TFT has joined over 200 businesses in urging the UK Government to launch a sustainable economic recovery plan which incentivises businesses to meet the UK’s net zero carbon target. The letter calls for government support for low-carbon technologies, a focus on stimulating sectors which can create jobs and also help lower the UK’s emissions (including construction), and steps to ensure that business strategies are aligned with the government’s own climate goals.

TFT's support for these steps is echoed by major organisations including leading banks, property companies and architects.

“A more sustainable, inclusive and resilient UK economy for the future”

The initiative is yet another example of sustainability and commercial agendas aligning, demonstrating that the best business operations are those which are primed for and resilient to our future. For building owners and occupiers applying this strategy to workplaces, retail, leisure and residential buildings means more holistic advice is required.

We continue to support innovative thinking in our work, our industry collaboration with our peers, clients and industry bodies to ensure that our expert advice supports better buildings across their life-cycle.

For instance, building owners and investors benefit from our due diligence and feasibility studies which include cost consultants, surveyors, energy and sustainability specialists and M&E engineers. The combination of expertise provides a holistic picture of a given building’s commercial potential and the best steps to improve it.

By contrast, where these services are recruited individually or bolted on to a project, the overall picture becomes disjointed, resulting in additional costs and proving less instructive for commercial decision-makers.

If you think there’s an opportunity to think more holistically about the sustainable future of your building or a portfolio of buildings, please get in touch with Mat Lown, TFT Partner and Head of Sustainability.

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