The building comprises retail space from basement to level three, with levels four to six occupied by office space.
Value add and sustainability measures were two major drivers for the design development of this project. Redevco has committed to making cities more liveable and sustainable in the future, in line with their Mission 2040 strategy for decarbonisation. This refurbishment allows an opportunity to move towards a carbon-zero building. Steps taken to achieve this include gas boilers being completely removed and replaced by heat pumps, photovoltaic (PV) panels installed on the roof and sustainability influencing the material choices.
Reconfiguration works will be undertaken to provide shell and core retail space between basement and level 1 with office use on levels 2 & 3. A new basement amenity space will be constructed with showers, changing rooms and bike storage for the office occupiers, new enlarged office reception, a shared amenity space as well a new roof terrace benefiting from spectacular views. The window openings on levels 2 and 3 on Bird Street and James Street will be enlarged which will increase significantly the natural light within the new office spaces.
Work is being done to improve the façade at street level on Barrett Street along with some highway improvement works.