James Ingall

JIngall - informal|James Ingall|James Ingall - informal

James is an Associate Director who heads up the Geomatics department in London as part of the built asset team. His expertise includes Measured Building Surveys, Area Reference Reporting and Topographical Surveys. Having started his career in Remote Sensing and GIS, he has a thorough understanding of wider Geomatics disciplines. James is part of the TFT Technology and Innovations working group, and leads TFT's drone surveying division, helping to improve accessibility and imaging quality across our services.

James and his team work on a range of projects in the commercial, residential, industrial and retail sectors, utilising equipment such as high-definition LiDAR Scanners and Total Stations to ensure accuracy is at the heart of all projects. His experience of producing and analysing point clouds (and other 3D data) allows TFT to utilise and present information to clients and stakeholders in more constructive formats.

Having worked on projects throughout Europe, James also has a thorough understanding of International Property Measuring Standards and is able to guide clients on their project requirements.

The Geomatics team works alongside all key services, together with TFT client base which includes The Crown Estate, Kingston Space Property and M&G Real Estate.

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