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How Dilapidations differ across the UK

Project leads


Neil Gilbert

Neil specialises in dilapidations, technical due diligence, and landlord and tenant advice, and he is also involved in advising retail clients. His notable recent projects include providing Thomson Reuters dilapidations consultancy in Milan, and understanding how Italian leases differ from British leases. He also provided joint landlord and tenant dilapidations advice on Northavon House, Frenchay in Bristol, demonstrating that landlords and tenants can work together to resolve dilapidations.

He has lectured on behalf of the RICS and other organisations. The wide variety of his work is reflected in the broad range of working relationships with clients including Tesco Stores Ltd, B&Q, Screwfix, Monsoon Accessorize, Core Assets, Honda Logistics, Aberdeen.

UK Dilapidations claims outside of England and Wales can be a minefield for the unwary. Dealing with dilapidations claims on a nationwide basis calls for a much broader understanding.TFT's new white paper: 'How Dilapidations differ across the UK - an outline of the regional variations' addresses the differing obligations and terminology applicable in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Isles.A good example is the very recent Jersey Sports Stadium v Barclay Private Clients (2013) case passed in the Jersey Royal Court which saw the court considering the cost of works and the diminution in value and preferring the guidance given in Ruxley v Forsyth (1996) over that in Joyner v Weeks. This is an essential piece for anyone involved with commercial leases outside England or Wales.

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