
Building data: a missing link between decarbonisation and safety

Project leads


David Medcraft

David is a Senior Director and heads TFT's national development and project consultancy services. He's responsible for our major project/programme commissions including recently a major recladding programme of works covering 30+ buildings across the UK and our senior living residential portfolio.

David has over 15 years’ experience leading major project and programme management commissions in a number of industries across the UK, notably international nuclear operations and decommissioning programmes, as well as commercial, retail, healthcare, heritage, residential, leisure and infrastructure.

The construction industry faces increasing pressure to improve the safety of buildings, and energy efficiency to support decarbonisation targets. With legislation now tightening, commercial buildings below an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ‘E’ cannot be legally let as of April 2023. In the same month, the Building Safety Regulator is implementing the Building Safety Act, requiring all ‘higher-risk buildings’ in England to be registered with them by October 1, 2023.

These obligations put the focus on building owners and developers to work smarter and more effectively to meet them. TFT Partner David Medcraft believes that better use of data will be essential to create and maintain efficient and safe of buildings into the future. In a recent article for Construction News, David highlights the role of building data in breaking down silos between sustainability and building safety, as well as across wider project teams.

Read the full article in Construction News, here.

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